Oscar Wilde - Studentville

Oscar Wilde

Vita e opere di Oscar Wilde in inglese con traduzione

Vita e Opere di Oscar Wilde in Inglese con Traduzione

Oscar Wilde’s life and art are very closely linked. He was born and grew up in Dublin, the son of an influential Anglo-Irish family. His father was a famous doctor and his mother was a translator and a nationalist poet. After graduating in classical studies at Trinity College, Dublin, Wilde won a scholarship to Oxford, where he met Walter Pater and John Ruskin, who introduced him to their aesthetics theories. After travelling in Italy and Greece, he settled in London and became a popular and eccentric dandy who charmed everybody with his wit and brilliant conversation. He established himself as a spokesman for the school of “Art for Art’s Sake”, a movement whose supporters considered art to be a self-enclosed and autonomous realm independently from any moral, social didactic or practical purpose. In Wilde’s view, this school included not only French poets but – Segue nel file da scaricare

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  • Letteratura Inglese

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