Samuel Beckett - Studentville

Samuel Beckett

vita e opere di Beckett in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Samuel Beckett was born in 1906 at Foxrock, a Dublin suburb, into a Protestant middle-class family. He was educated at boarding school, where he was a brilliant student, and then at Trinity College, Dublin. After taking his B.A. degree in French and Italian, he moved to Paris where he had been appointed as a lecturer in English and became closely associated with the Irish novelist and poet James Joyce and his circle. He settled permanently in Paris in 1937 and wrote most of his works first in French, then translated them into English. He began his literary career as a short-story writer and a novelist, however his international reputation was established by his plays. He was one of a group of dramatists who developed the so-called “Theatre of the Absurd”, with the common basic belief that man’s life appears to be meaningless and purposeless and that human beings cannot communicate and understand each other. Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot, first – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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