Wuthering Heights di Emily Bronte - Studentville

Wuthering Heights di Emily Bronte

riassunto del romanzo

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo The novel revolves around the  two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross
Grange, respectively inhabited by the Earnshaws and the Lintons. At the beginning of the story Mr. Lockwood, the tenant of Thrushcross Grange, calls on his landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, at Wuthering Heights. Compelled to stay the night because of a snowstorm, he has a strange dream about a girl, Catherine, who is tapping on the window, asking to be let in after 20 years of wandering on the moors. The next day Mr. Lockwood returns to Thrushcross Grange and the housekeeper, Nelly Dean, tells him the whole story. Mr. Earnshow, the father of Hindley and Catherine, one day came back from Liverpool with a foundling, whom he called Heathcliff. Hindley ill-treated Heathcliff whereas Catherine got on very well with him. They roamed the moors together and promised they would – segue nel file da scaricare

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