Jerome David Salinger - Studentville

Jerome David Salinger

vita e opere di Salinger in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Not much is known about the life and ideas of Jerome David Salinger because of his dread of publicity and interviews, and his hiding away on his farm in New Hampshire in 1946. He was born in New York City in 1919, and he attended Valley Forge Military Academy, which was probably the model for Pencey, the school in his novel The Catcher in the Rye. He graduated in 1936 during the Second World War he served  as a staff  sergeant in the United States Army and was stationed in England. Here he is said to have done service in counterespionage. In the late 1940s he published short stories in journals, including some about his wartime experience, but he has chosen not to republish them. In 1951 he wrote The Catcher in the Rye, which was an immediate success, even if it was, at first, attacked by critics, since the scenes of the protagonist with his sister were considered incestuous, and the language too vulgar. The book was something of a literary phenomenon: it sold very well and – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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