Robert Browning - Studentville

Robert Browning

vita e opere di Browning in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Robert Browning was born  at Camberwell, on the outskirts of London, in 1812.
His father, a Bank of England official, was a well-read and learned man, and although Browning attended a boarding school, he was also tutored at home in ancient and modern languages, in music and horsemanship. He read constantly in his father’s library and he started to appreciate the I talian Renaissance paintings in an art gallery quite near his house. Her mother, to whom he was particularly devoted, brought him up in an atmosphere of sincere Evangelical piety. Browning spent most of his early life in this comfortable, cultivated family environment. He soon gave up his studies at the University of London and began writing poetry. His first poem, Pauline (1833), in the form of a confession, was highly personal. The sharp criticism met by Pauline had a crucial influence on Browning’ s later work; from then on he decided he would no longer reveal his – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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