Wystan Hugh Auden - Studentville

Wystan Hugh Auden

vita e opere di Auden in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Born at York in 1907, Wystan Hugh Auden was the third son of middle-class
High Church Anglican parents. In 1908 the family moved to Birmingham, Yorkshire. Auden was a precocious, voracious reader prompted by a brilliant intelligence; he  also showed a great interest in music. The bulk  of his early  reading consisted of fairy-tales, myths and legends, especially Scandinavian, but this reading seems to have been paralleled by that of technical works on mining engineering. Psychology too, was an early interest. By 1922, when he was fifteen, Auden gave up his Christian faith and, when he went up to Oxford University, he shared the interest in Marxism and atheistic Freudianism of other intellectuals such as Stephen Spender, C. Day-Lewis, Louis MacNeice. Social awareness lay at the heart of the political work of the Thirties. During the General Strike of 1926 – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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