George Herbert - Studentville

George Herbert

vita e opere di Herbert in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo George Herbert, who was born in 1593 at or near Montgomery Castle,
was surrounded by an aura of ill health and saintliness from youth. He was educated at Westminster School  and Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1625 he decided to enter the Church and was ordained deacon. In 1629 he married and in the following year he finally became a priest and accepted the rectorship of Bemerton, near Salisbury, where he remained until his death in 1633. His works include The Temple, a collection of poems published a year after his death, and A Priest to the Temple, which describes the responsibilities of a country clergyman and the standards he should – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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