Thomas Hardy - Studentville

Thomas Hardy

vita e opere di Thomas Hardy in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Thomas Hardy was born of humble parents near Dorchester in 1840. He learned to play the violin and he always loved music and dancing. He was a voracious reader and when he left school, in 1856, he was apprenticed to a local architect and church restorer. He was working and studying architecture in London when he began to write poetry. He also read the works of Comte, Mill, Darwin and Schopenhauer, which helped shape his thought. Hardy gained fame thanks to Far From the Madding Crowd, which appeared throughout 1874 in the monthly-issues of the “Cornhill Magazine”. Thereafter he devoted his life to writing. After marrying Emma Gifford – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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