William Shakespeare - Studentville

William Shakespeare

Vita e opere di William Shakespeare in inglese con traduzione: scarica il file completo in formato PDF con un semplice click.

Vita e Opere di William Shakespeare in Inglese

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. He was baptized in the parish church on April 26th but he may have been born on April 23th, St George’s Day, which is also said to be the date of his death. Some information about his life is merely conjectural.
His father, who was a dealer in wool, had a large family, eight children in all, and though William was his eldest son, he could give him no better education than his own employment. William had attended the local grammar school where he had learnt a little Latin, but his father was forced to withdraw him due to his difficult financial situation.
This is possibly why in Shakespeare’s works we hardly find any traces of an imitation of the classics. Later, he married Anne Hathaway though he was only eighteen and [..] – segue nel file da scaricare

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