Dialogo in inglese sulle bugie - Studentville

Dialogo in inglese sulle bugie

Dialogo in inglese sulle bugie, per la prova di inglese agli Esami di Terza Media.

MARK: Miss Fletcher, you probably won’t believe me, but I’ll tell you why I’m late for school. I was waiting at the bus stop, when a pretty girl come up to me and said: “Please help me!” I was admiring her beautiful figure when she started to cry. Then she told me that, while she was crossing the road, a boy on a motor-bike, snatched her bag … Naturally, I had to take her home, but while we were going up in the lift, there was a power cut and we were stuck there, imprisoned. Finally the Fire Brigade came and rescue us, but while they were rescuing us …

TEACHER:  Okay, stop! You’re right, Mark! I don’t believe you.. I will call your Parents to let them know you’re late!

  • Scuole Medie

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