Lettera in inglese ai One Direction - Studentville

Lettera in inglese ai One Direction

Lettera in inglese ai One Direction, per la prova di inglese agli Esami di Terza Media.

Dear Harry Styles,

my name is Alexandra, I’m thirteen and I’m your fan. 
I was in Milan to your concert… it’s been very very cool! I was in front of you, below the stage! Oh, you are so beautiful!!
It’s been fantastic when we all throw our stuffed animals on the stage and you picked it up and, after kissed it, threw it back to the spectators! 
The most emotional moment of the show it was when you sang “You and I”: me and my best friend, Michelle, cried! This is my favourite song… I like o imagine that you wrote it to someone like me… maybe to me!!!
I hope you will return back to Italy very soon!!

Kiss kiss,

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