Lettera in inglese su buone notizie - Studentville

Lettera in inglese su buone notizie

Lettera in inglese su buone notizie, per la prova di inglese degli esami di terza media.

Michela Poggi
Via D’Alessandria
50129 Firenze

Lucy Smith
Moorland Rd
London SW9 8UA

Florence, July-12th -2014

Dear Lucy,

It’s been a long time since we last wrote! How are you? I hope everything  is okay in your life. I am fine; it is actually a really glad period of my life and I wanted to share my good news with you. About two months ago I had an interesting conversation with my parents: it dealt about you too actually, because it was focused on my lack in foreign languages and about my possibilities to improve it. So we talked about you and how our correspondence it is useful to me to improve my English and how beautiful it is to find new friends around the world. My parents proposed me to apply for a good English school, a sort of college where I could improve my language knowledge; they were thinking about it from weeks and, after they picked up information about the apply and the real possibility to me to be accepted, they proposed it to me. After a lot of weeks after my application there were still no news from the school, so I lost hope and stopped thinking about it, assuming that it was a bad sign. On the contrary, it wasn’t! I received a mail from the school three days ago: they are glad to accept my application to attend their language courses for the next semester! So, we will meet very soon..finally! I am so glad, I can’t wait for it and I’m sure that this news makes you happy too! Please write me soon, I’m so curious about your comments! 



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