Lettera in inglese su un cantante - Studentville

Lettera in inglese su un cantante

Lettera in inglese su un cantante, per la prova di inglese degli Esami di Terza Media.

Elisabetta Neri
Via dei Pioppi
00172 Roma

Susan Miller
235 Regent St

Dear Susan,
I received your last letter and I’m glad to know that you are fine. Here in Italy we finished school almost a month ago and so I am finally enjoying my holidays. Last week I went to a concert with my sister, Sara, I already told you about her. It was the concert of Paolo Nutini, an English-Italian artist that I love so much; my sister give me the ticket as a gift for my birthday! I bet that you already know him… do you like his music? it’s been a very funny night and I thought about you too, because this singer make me think about England and so he could represent  a link between Italy and England, between you and me! This is not my favourite singer at all, but my sister made me love him, so it was beautiful most of all to share something with her and to spend a night together without our parents. Have you recently been to a concert? Please write me soon.

With love,

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