Dialogo in inglese in hotel - Studentville

Dialogo in inglese in hotel

Dialogo in inglese ambientato in hotel, utile come spunto per la prova di inglese agli Esami Terza Media.


CONCIERGE: Good evening, Sir. Welcome to the Ritz Hotel! How can I help you?

MR. BAD: Good evening. I’ve got a reservation .

CONCIERGE: Your name , please…

MR.BAD: My name is Donald Bad.

CONCIERGE: Mr. Bad….. yes, here you are! Could I see your document, please?

MR. BAD. Of course… here you are!

CONCIERGE: Perfect, thank you! You’re room number is 334, on the 4th floor. Here’s your key.

MR. BAD: Thank you. What time is breakfast?

CONCIERGE: from 6 to 8.30 am, Sir. Would you like a wake-up call?

MR. BAD: yes, I’d like it at 7 ‘o clock, please.

CONCIERGE: As you like, Sir. 7 ‘o clock! Good night.

MR. BAD: Thank you. Good night.

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