Lettera in inglese: history of music - Studentville

Lettera in inglese: history of music

Lettera in inglese sulla storia della musica, utile come spunto per la prova di inglese degli Esami di Terza Media.

Marco Lori
Viale Andrea Doria
20124 Milano

Michael Bauer
Boundary Street, Shoreditch
 London E2 7DD

Dear Michael,
here we are.. this is the last letter about music that I’ll write to you .. today morning we finished reading about the history of music.. we finished talking about Rock and Roll, continuing the lesson of the past week about this argument.
So.. we were talking about Elvis Presley, do you remember? Elvis became the most popular and influential singer of his generation. He was the first person to give all American teenagers, both white and black, their own musical identity. A disk-jockey gave this music a new name: Rock and Roll.
With Rock and Roll young people all over the world found a musical form which expressed their emotions and desires. It was fast and energetic. Hundreds of young people, especially in Britain and America, started playing this music. In the 1960s and 1970s saw an explosion of talented young people who not only sang this type of music, but also wrote their own songs. 
Rock and Roll became Rock. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan were the most important and influential artists of this period.
I really hope that you liked this lesson, friend, this is my favorite one! 
Write me soon, 

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